IACFB’s Summer SQL Challenge: Earn FREE Websites and More

Factoring Broker SQL

The Next Leg of the Summer Challenge Begins Aust 1st

Everyone loves our periodic SQL or Sales Qualified Lead Contests. These contests are designed to reward brokers and referrers for their efforts in generating high-quality leads. This contest offers a unique opportunity for brokers to showcase their lead generation skills, while also benefiting from the expertise and resources of our sponsoring factors. Here’s how it works:

  • brokers submit an SQL (Sales Qualified Lead)
  • your sponsor follow up on the lead
  • if the deal is closed, the broker or referrer earns a residual monthly commission

The “Easiest” of All ContestsFactoring Broker Commission

Sales Qualified Lead Challenges (contests) are not only straightforward but also rewarding.  Unlike the need to submit an application and papterwork for a client to be submitted, you can generate a new client simply by submitting LEADS that meet certain criteria.  So long as your lead or prospect meets certain requirements, the submitting contest player benefits from a seasoned professional BDO to help close your seal. This makes SQL contests exceptionally attractive to those new to the industry who are still learning the business.  With our SQL contest, new brokers and referrers can focus 100% on learning how to generate leads, or what makes a “Good Prospect” for financing.  And, of course you will earn residual income commission payments as well if your leads actually convert to factoring clients.

IACFB’s Summer SQL Challenge Rules.  Its Easy to Win!

  • To qualify as an official Contest Challenge submission, an SQL lead will be defined as any B2B Business Owner…
    • submitted by you first to your sponsor
    • you must have spoken to the prospect within the last 48 hours
    • who, after speaking with your BDO, then submits an application or Company Profile
    • has a business that generates a minimum of $25,000 in receivables (invoices) monthly for factoring
    • accepts the factoring proposal (Terms and Conditions)

Win…Win…Win For New Network Referrers from IACFB

For IACFB Members who consider themselves occasional “Referrers,” the Summer SQL Challenge is the perfect way to take the plunge and make the business of becoming a factoring broker a reality.  By simply doubling your LinkedIn social media efforts and focusing on building “connections” that create leads, you can easily (and quickly) earn…

  • Enhanced Referrer Commissions for NEW client submissions
  • Professionally deigned SA-Series plus hosting

For New IACFB Members (Referrers), we will be doubling the standard commission rate from the standard Referrer rate of 50% commission earned to full Sponsored Agent rate of 10% of factoring fees earned for life of the account.

Win—Win…Win For New Network Referrers from Factoring Sponsors

The all sponsors are differnt, you will earn at least 10% of the factoring fees earned for the life of the account.  Additionally, watch the magazine, your sponsors showcase, and IACFB’s LinkedIn Group forum for special commission bonuses and perks.

Enter and Get Started Today!

Enter the Challenge and get started today.  Full Challenge training is available in IACFB’s Boot Camp. Click here or button below to enter and get new magazine login credentials.

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