Though most freelance factoring brokers focus almost daily on marketing due to the residual commission income available that comes with success, their related brethren, Discount Mortgage Note Brokers do not. Discount Notes is a very popular home business. It is easy to both learn and operate. Training required is minimal and if successful, you can earn good money. So what’s the problem? The problem is that the service provided, that of purchasing mortgage notes at a discount, is not one to easily find need for. Unlike factoring and alternative commercial finance loan products, which relates to a service that potentially can be used by thousand of easy to find B2B business owners easily, liquidating mortgage notes is not. You can stick your head out of the window and locate business owners to call on and prospect. Finding someone that owns a private real estate note is not that easy. In fact…it’s difficult. Commissions are good in that industry. The problem is they are too few and far between. So…there must be a better way. And there is! Welcome to the rise of the “SuperSites”.
What Exactly is a Factoring Broker SuperSite?
Supersites are mega-websites that are designed to provide marketing support for “commissionable” brokered products in three (3) broad areas:
- Commercial Business Finance Products: Invoice Factoring, Asset-Based Loans, SBA Loans, Purchase Order Finance, Leasing, and more
- Consumer Finance Products: Private Mortgage Notes, Structured Settlements, Gaming Award Cash Outs, Inheritance Advances and more
- Affiliated Marketing Finance Related Products: Credit Cards, Auto Loans, Mortgages and Reverse Mortgages, Personal Loans, Debt Reduction and more
The first two groups of products are standard “brokered” commissionable products where the consultant works as a middleman for a fee paid by the finance company. These products typically do not required a license to operate as a broker.
Affiliated Marketing and Affiliate Commissions
Affiliate marketing products are typically not “brokered” but simple are advertisements for these products. To join an affiliate program, you simply sign up and receive an “affiliate link”. In most cases, affiliate product links are somehow related to the subject of the website. In these DataMax / IACFB “SuperSites“, the products featured on the site are financial in nature. Therefore the affiliate links will likely be financial as well. For example, if your site features the offer of a FREE quotation regarding a mortgage note your visitor has to sell, you may also find that you will feature an affiliate product like such as “Quicken Loans” for mortgage loans or an affiliate link for a reverse mortgage provider. The point is, regarding your “affiliate” links and marketing them, is that you, as the site owner, will find that these links are the quickest and easiest form of passive income to implement for your business. While it’s possible to earn a great living by providing a service such as standard private mortgage note sales, those sales comes with ups and downs. Affiliate links, done right, can give you a surprisingly good return and smooth out the times where you suffer the periodic those lapses of you regular product income.
Affiliate Commissions and “Cookies”
Literally hundreds of thousand of home based entrepreneurs earn passive commission income from joining affiliate programs and the amounts that are paid for affiliate referrals are completely across the board. For most, when of the major attractions of affiliate programs is, of course, the percentage you are page per sale. Another key feature of affiliate links are called “cookies which refers to the length of time (in days) between the date the cookie is initially set & the date that it is set to automatically expire. For example, if a visitor to you site clicks on an affiliate ad for a business loan but does not arrange for the loan immediately, the cookie determines how long the loan provider stores you data so you get paid a commission of the visitor returns. Its very common, for example, to represent a product that will track your cookie for months.
Rising Popularity of SuperSites for Mortgage Note Brokers
Cash Flow Consulting is a very popular home based enterprise but many that enter the industry do not come close to their business potential and this is for two easily identifiable reasons. First, these consultants do not expand their business to include factoring and business finance. Business finance products are much, much easier to represent. Second, most consultants do not invest in affiliate marketing and this is a tremendous mistake. Learning and investing in these two product areas can literally double or even triple the income that you earn as a traditional discount mortgage note broker.
Rising Popularity for SuperSites for Factoring Brokers
For today’s factoring brokers, affiliate marketing offers an additional source of income that requires no additional work. Where most full time factoring brokers will engage themselves with both networking and direct marketing which take up all of the time, affiliate marketing requires neither. Any time a visitor to your website clicks an affiliate link and purchases, the broker gets paid. Affiliate links work 24/7. Once the broker registers as an affiliate with any given company, that is all that is required.
Where Can You Find High Paying Affiliate Partners?
It’s very easy to find all types of affiliates. For example, if you simply go to Google and type in “affiliate program credit cards”, the search engine with display dozens and dozens of companies that would love to have you sign up with them. It is really that simple. Additionally, on IACFB’s new YouTube Channel, there are videos that show you exactly how to install your affiliate link in your website which is very, very easy due to the fact that all SuperSites are developed with WordPress and Elementor, a very easy to use website editor.
Find Out More
SuperSites have quickly become the cornerstone of both the factoring broker as well as the private mortgage note industry and provide brokers and consultants with the tools to take their business to a completely new level. To find out more and see a SuperSite in action, just click the link below.
View sample a “SuperSite” in action.