For modern-day mobile creatives and entrepreneurs seeking to launch a home-based professional enterprise, few ventures offer the flexibility and opportunity of commercial finance consulting. In fact, consulting, as a general category, is one of the fastest-growing segments of home-business startups. But what do you need to become a successful commercial finance consultant? Well…basically, you only need three things:
- KNOWLEDGE: Consultants sell knowledge…plain and simple. You’ll need to develop expertise in a variety of asset-based financial products, including factoring, asset-based lending, purchase order finance, import-export trade finance, and many other “alternative” commercial finance products.
- PLATFORM: Your “platform” assists in attracting prospective clients to your business. The cornerstone of your platform is your website, which should include information regarding your services and your credentials (certifications)
- NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES: During startup, networking is the key to a good business launch as a commercial finance consultant. First, emails will be sent to friends and family about your new enterprise. Afterwards, it’s all about successfully networking both face-to-face and on social media and this is where the work begins.
IACFB offers those seeking to enter the exciting world of commercial finance consulting the training and support necessary to launch a successful home business in this lucrative field through both an Academy subscription and a variety of support programs.
Is This the Right Career for You?
OK…Becoming a factoring broker can be a rewarding venture for individuals seeking a lucrative home-based business opportunity. As a factoring broker, you act as an intermediary between businesses in need of immediate cash flow and factoring companies looking to invest in receivables. The key to success in this field lies in your ability to build strong relationships with both businesses and referral sources. This is an exceptional home business. It allows you to leverage your networking and negotiation skills, making it an ideal fit for individuals with a knack for connecting people and solving financial challenges. Additionally, the factoring industry is thriving, providing ample opportunities for growth and financial success. However, like any entrepreneurial endeavor, it requires dedication, resilience, and a thorough understanding of the factoring and alternative commercial finance industry. Through IACFB, the costs of entering the industry are truly minimal. Still, before you take the plunge and embark on this journey, carefully assess whether the factoring broker path aligns with your skills, interests, and long-term career goals.
Sign Up and Enter the FREE Boot Camp Course
The “Boot Camp” course is a totally FREE course here at the magazine and will provide you with a significant amount of broker training. In fact, the Boot Camp course, paired with IACFB’s FREE Lenders Directories, will arm you with a solid “foot in the door” to begin earning residual commissions from your business referrals. If, after taking the Boot Camp, you feel you’re ready to navigate the full dynamic world of business financing and to begin to enjoy the full benefits of working from home as a professional business finance consultant, then becoming a factoring broker could be just the right choice for you.
Get Started and Get Active in the Industry. Subscribe to IACFB Membership
For those seeking to enter the world of commercial finance consulting successfully, it all begins with an IACFB Subscription, which will provide you with a starting point and a pathway to begin learning what you need to start earning the factoring industry’s famous residual, life of account commission income. With IACFB Subscription, you will receive…
- Access to complete access to the IACFB Academy Training Campus
- Access to the PAL Program with included web page
- Special “Members Only” Discounts on consultant Websites, Hosting, and other features
- Periodic informative newsletters and critical IACFB member bulletins
Learn the Industry as a Member and Then Add a Complete Career Path
It is very easy to enter the industry with the assistance and comprehensive training programs available at Campus IACFB and the association offers three (3)distinct pathways to success.
- COMMERCIAL FINANCE CONSULTANT TRAINING PROGRAM: The Freelance Commercial Finance Consultant Partners Program is designed for those individuals seeking a full-time career as a factoring broker/consultant. IACFB MEMBERS utilizing this program are typically entrepreneurs with a home-based career in mind. IACFB Members work directly with IACFB Factors and Lenders and are trained in products to expand their business by including a complete suite of asset-based finance products. In addition to professional and comprehensive business product training, the IACFB Academy provides extensive productivity and marketing training and support as well. All IACFB Members have access.to…
- Training…Factoring 101: Comprehensive Factoring and Business Finance Product Training
- Training…Factoring 202: Marketing and Productivity classes with a full suite of marketing aids templates for brochures, mail stuffers, flyers, telephone scripts, etc.
- Training…Factoring 303: Cash Flow / Note Broker Products, Training, and Continuing Education
- Discounts…on Fully Functional WordPress Factoring Broker Agent, Broker, and Consultant Websites
How to Enter Broker Development Programs at Campus IACFB
Professional IACFB Broker Development Programs are exceptionally affordable and are entered by simply subscribing to IACFB and it’s training facility. To find out more and get the latest pricing information on IACFB factoring broker training products, visit www.iacfb.academy.