Looking for a new home business idea you can start today? Good idea!
If you’re like most in today’s inflationary economy, you realize that the economic outlook is not getting any better soon. Consumers are running out of cash and credit cards are getting maxed out. Many are now at wits end and are looking at almost any way to raise cash. Its no surprise that Google just reported that cash-strapped Americans are panic-searching the term “pawn shop near me.” That search trend spiked to a record high at the start of July and is an ominous sign that consumer are pawning items or selling things that possibly can raise quick cash amid the worst inflation storm in a generation.
And the savings picture also couldn’t be bleaker. Recent polls of average Americans show that nearly 12% have zero savings and an additional 27% have less than $1,000 of available cash. For many, Dollar Tree Dining is replacing Walmart as their grocery destination of choice. With such critical personal finances, there’s not surprise that more and more individuals are seeking to invest in some home business that will supplement their current income. They need additional passive income streams to get their lives back on track.
So whether you’re looking for supplemental cashflow or a completely new career path, most individuals can use their existing skillsets to create some passive income stream.
Fortunately, making money online through a home business is more accessible than ever in spite of today’s economy. More and more people are turning to the internet to add, not one, but multiple income streams that can help them reach their financial goals. Basically, passive income is money you’re making from a source or business venture other than your everyday job and direct employer. It’s often a task or action performed on the side and one that doesn’t require a lot of effort. Still, despite its name. even passive income can take some work and most require some start up capital.
A $99.95 Business You Can Launch Today!
So are there actually businesses the you can launch profitable for as little as $10 or less? You bet…and there and very many of these featured on the internet. You can take surveys, start on online virtual store, launch a YouTube channel, become a transcriptionist, become a virtual assistant, and many more. And all from the convenience of you home office. But one of our favorites is to start a successful BLOG. But not just any blog. We highly recommend an IACFB Sponsored Agent Website with a FINANCIAL BLOG. And yes…this is a true home-business that you can start with $10 in training through IACFB’s latest factoring broker training guide on Amazon.
Bogging is BIG Business…and Especially for Sponsored Agents
With nearly 5.2 billion people worldwide currently connected to the internet, there has never been a better time for any businesses to include blogging as a key component of their marketing strategy. Not only does blogging drive website traffic and promote your products and services on your standard company website, but it also helps you build trust with your potential customers. But what about blogging as a marketing component for Factoring Sponsored Agents?
Here’s How It Works…and Under $99.95
The IACFB’s Sponsored Agents Program is the recognized stepping stone to launce a “REAL” home based business as a factoring and small business finance agent. Just…
- Purchase the NEW Amazon Kindle Factoring Broker Guide for just $9.99 (Check for FREE KDP offers)
- Check out the MENU here at the magazine and view any current “Challenge” PROMO code with the “Spinner” discount. You could get the program FREE.
- Once you have signed up for the Agent’s Program, you’ll be provided with additional training content including how to follow the instructions to set up your WordPress Sponsored Agent Website with BLOG and VIDEO lead generator.
Get Started: Use This Foot in the Door for the Industry Entry
The IACFB’s Sponsored Agents Program is truly the foot in the door for those that have found our unique industry and want to find out if this is a good fit as a business venture and a program for you. Sponsored Agent is the cornerstone to begin earning supplemental passive income from factoring, small business loans, SBA loans, business equipment loans and leases, and more. Operating as a part-time factoring and business finance broker can be the beginning of an additional career or just one building block of a home-based suite of online business ventures that provide you with passive steams of income. One of the most important features of this industry is its highly lucrative residual commission monthly income streams for factoring referrals.
So are earning those payment streams right for you? They can be. And you can find out more by simply picking up a copy of our new training guide now available on Amazon.com for only $9.99. And check out our current “challenges” right here on the magazine for any training or program discounts.