With the overall amount of training material and options in the Campus Academy at IACFB, we know it can get a little confusing and especially during the recent pricing and upgrades. Below is a “QUICK GUIDE” to assist those new to the industry to help choose the right program based on your goals.
- REGISTERED GUEST: This is not actually a program but rather a special 30 Day access to Factoring 101 Basic Training areas that are provided for referrers of factors that are members of IACFB as well as our Commercial Finance Consultants building networks of lead-generators. Both of the above groups have a special “Promo Code” they can offer to their Trainees.
- IACFB MEMBERSHIP: IACFB Membership is FREE and only requires membership to IACFB’s LinkedIn Group. Once a member of LinkedIn, you can request login “credentials” from the form on the HOME PAGE of the magazine and it provides access to the IACFB Magazine archive articles and IACFB’s Boot Camp articles.
- IACFB ACADEMY MEMBERSHIP ($79.95 One-Time Membership Fee plus $4.95 monthly subscription): Standard Membership in IACFB includes Factoring 101 “Land the Archived Articles on the Magazine. Once a member, you can add-on….
- FACTORING 101: This is the expansive products training area for brokers and consultants. It covers factoring in depth plus asset-based lending, merchant cash advance, equipment leasing, forfaiting, purchase order finance, international trade finance products, SBA loans, and more
- FACTORING 202: Factoring 202 is all about marketing and how to bring in the deals. It includes networking and relationship build campaign examples. ideas. and more. The “ANNEX” in Factoring 202 is a area brimming with direct marketing templates for 3-panel brochures, flyers, mail stuffers, door hangers, cold call scripts, cover lettters, and more. Factoring 202 additionally provides important functions of your IACFB WordPress website.
- FACTORING 303: This area is a dedicated area for our Commercial Finance Consuultants that are building their own lead-genertaing Sponsored Agent networks. For true professionals, this is one of their most important resources for business and building this network operates much like a “downline” in multi-level marketing.
With the opening of the “Academy Facility”, all functions of the Factoring 101 / Sponsored Agent Program will be handled by the new beautiful Academy as we roll all Sponsored Agents into the greatly expanded IACFB Wholesale. More training with videos and a new series of mini-websites with blog will make the Sponsored Agent program perfect for all those home-based entrepreneurs wanting to begin earning their fair share of the factoring industry’s near-legendary residual, life of account commission income.
The Directory of American Factors and Lenders
Although once privates, the Directory of American Factors and Lenders is now a “searchable” online database open to the public. In addition to the factors and lenders, all IACFB brokers and consultants now have their website listed in the directory. This is a powerful marketing tool and you benefit from IACFB’s marketing immediately.
Magazine Private Areas
With the nearly completed upgrade to both the new Academy as well as the cornerstone training facility at the Campus, it is time to upgrade the content available to members here at the magazine. Though virtually all articles will still be viewable to visitors on the front page IACFB, there is now a section dedicated to “Members Only”.
Become an IACFB Member
To become an IACFB member is easy.
- Sign up at DataMax
- If you have a sponsor, use your sponsor’s code on the “Configure” page to discount Factoring 101
- We will have your credentials to the Academy to you within 24 hours.
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