The most popular training guide for those new to the industry and seeking to start a truly “professional” home based small business finance consulting business, Factoring 101: A Consultant’s Guide has no equal. With well over 1,000 copies initially sold through Amazon and other online venders, this comprehensive product and start up guide is now exclusively provided as part of the popular industry broker training academy at IACFB, (The International Association of Commercial Finance Brokers).
This 5-star rated IACFB’s consultant’s factoring guide is packed with over 200 pages of business finance broker knowledge for those new to the industry and is the first key to unlocking your industry success. Because of it’s exceptional income potential (much of which is residual) and with consulting as a small business finance broker now one of the “hottest” home businesses available due to the challenging economy, there could never be a better time, part time or full time, to launch a career.
Step by Step: Build a Successful Finance Consulting Business
IACFB’s Factoring 101: A Consultant’s Guide is a step-by-step “getting started” course in the industry. Including seven knowledge-packed chapters, the guide is basically divided in two (2) parts which include..
- First: in depth product knowledge…and
- Second: Start up marketing tips and training
Chapters in the guide include:
- Industry Introduction
- Factoring: learning Transactional Basics
- Niches and Essential Product Areas
- Anatomy of a Brokered Deal
- Getting Ready for Business
- Business Development Strategies
- Conclusions
Additionally, Factoring 101: A Consultant’s Guide is a “primer” for your subsequent online training as a member of the IACFB Academy.
How to Purchase or Recieve Your Broker Training Guide Copy
Purchasing your copy of the IACFB’s Factoring 101: A Consultant’s Guide is easy and is available…
- Included and part of your IACFB Academy Membership and Subscription (click here)
- $99.95 as a stand alone purchase with FREE shipping (Continental U.S.) as a bound and pre-printed publication (click here)
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