Summertime SQL Challenge Rules

As the name implies, the Summertime SQL Challenge at the IACFB magazine is a contest based on leads submission and makes this contest the perfect way for our newest IACFB members to get their feet wet and begib to earning the life-of-account residual commission income that our industry is famous for.

Contest Kick-Off and Term

The Summertime SQL Challenge begins August 1st and will run through November 30th, 2024.  This will provide both those seasoned IACFB members of the Academy as well our newest members to awarded prizes, bonus commissions, and swag.

Contest Central

Contest central is IACFB’s LinkedIn Group (Campus Factoring Group) which acts as our forum.  If you are an existing broker / referrer and serious about the industry and are not on LinkedIn, join today.  Once you are a LinkedIn member, join our group and become active.

Contest Training

Our SQL Challenge contests always attracts new members to the Academy and for those seeking their very first commission earnings, we are providing a great “free” training experience right here at the Academy’s Magazine

  • BOOT CAMP:  You can view Boot Camp in the magazine’s footer area but since the IACFB’s magazine is a subscription item, you will need credentials to access Boot Camp.
  • FACTORING BROKER TRAINING GUIDE:  The IACFB’s Factoring Consultant’s Guide is a 5 star-rated broker training guide with over 200 pages of content.  It is a PDF download from here at the magazine.

You need to be givien some credentials (USERNAME and PASSWORD) for login here at the magazine.  Click the button at the end of this article to get your free “Registered Guest” credentials.

Contest Sponsor

All IACFB Challenges require that you have a “sponsor” to play.  Your sponsor for this contest will be

  • a factor or factor’s BDO you are currently working with
  • a factor that is a recommended factor from our Lenders Directories
  • IACFB itself

If you are looking for a factor or BDO for a sponsor, IACFB can fill in until you can find one  PRO TIP:  Factor’s and their BDO’s pay the best.  Watch for our LinkedIn Group (Contest Central) for factors or BDOs looking for new brokers.

Get Your Contest Credentials Now

Click the button below to sign up for your magazine credentials.  Once approved, you will be a magazine Registered Guest enjoying 30 days of free access to all magazine articles and the 200 page Consultant’s Guide to Factoring.

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