Registered Guest Access to the magazine is a special access to agent training provided by our member factors.  Access to this special training area includes selected articles and lessons taken from our Campus Academy ( and is provided for individuals interested in becoming more active in the industry and earning passive commission income.  All registered guests are provided with 30 credentials through…

  • Any factor or lender featured in our “Spotlight” articles on the front page of the magazine
  • Any IACFB Freelance Consultant accepting Sponsored Agents

30 Day Access

All Registered Guests are granted 30 day login credentials to the magazine and the special training articles available in the lower slider (footer) of the magazine.  Guests additionally are granted access to the magazine’s “archives” which feature virtually 100% of IACFB’s magazine content.

Requesting Registered Guest Access

Requesting Guest access is very easy and to do so, just click the BUTTON and complete the short form below.   The GUEST PROMO CODE which is required is provided to you from the participating factor or freelance broker.  Once received, you will receive your access credentials within 24 hours.