Worried about finding factoring support for your clients when they need it most? That’s where we come in…
Unlike other factoring companies, we pride ourselves in our all-star customer service delivered through a dedicated client advisor. That means you’ll reach us on the first call.
Here are some other things we pride ourselves on:
- No Application or Set Up Fees
- No Locked-In Contracts or Hidden Fees
- No Monthly Minimums
- Advance Rates of 80% to 90%
We’re here to support your client’s company’s growth you can join our rapidly growing network. Work directly with our BDO’s. We offer bonus compensation programs for productivity and residual life of account commissions. Complete broker training and support.
Our Industry Preferences
We factor most industries, but we like to focus on:
- TRANSPORTATION: The options for bank financing based on a small business or owner-operated transportation business may be extremely restrictive in the current economic climate. The American Trucking Association estimates there are 1.2 million trucking companies in the U.S. Of those: 90.2% operate 6 or fewer trucks and 97.2% operate fewer than 20 trucks. According to those statistics, there stands a good chance that many of these smaller companies are not in a position to qualify for bank loans or carry their accounts receivable for an extended period of time.
- GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS: Our team is uniquely trained with the skills necessary to navigate the Federal Contracting process from solicitation to award and beyond. Funding solutions are designed for small to mid-sized companies that are doing work for federal, state, and local governments under prime and subcontracts. Our accounts receivable-based lines are designed to support daily cash flow typically associated with new awards or fast growth.
- COMMERCIAL: The Manufacturing, wholesale, and distribution industries are all being affected by the lengthening time for invoice payments by customers and the tightening of bank-supported financing. The widening time gap between paying your suppliers and getting paid by customers can put a huge strain on cash flow and business growth. From small independent business owners to large multinational corporations, staffing is an important aspect to growth and a smoothly run business. With this, they are finding the need to utilize Staffing Agencies to supply their temporary or contract support staff. As Staffing Agencies grow to meet the increasing demand, their agencies also have great need of working capital.
Broker Commission Rates
We value you as a referral partner and offer one of the most generous compensation schedules in the industry with commissions as high as 18% of earned revenue. The more you refer the higher your commission! Download and fill out our referral agreement, sign, and return it with a W-9 to get started
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